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21st Annual NRC Railroad Equipment Auction: Online Only


The 21st Annual NRC Railroad Equipment Auction 

Monday, April 28 at 12 Noon – ONLINE ONLY PORTION
Locations all over the U.S. – See item descriptions for specifics

Type Auction/Location of the April 28 Online ONLY auction: Equipment and trucks located allll over the U.S. See specific location in the DESCRIPTION of each item – This will be an Online Only Auction. Early Bidding & Maximum Bidding will be available beginning several days before the auction. Bidding will begin a few days before the auction. You can pre-bid throughout the process. You can also enter a maximum bid and Proxibid automated system will bid for you along the bid increments. You can bid during the closing of the auction as well. If a bid is submitted within the last minute of bidding a 60+ second extension will be added. 

Terms – 2% Seller’s Commission will be charged. A Buyers Premium of 10% will be added to the bid price of each item/all purchases. An additional premium of 4% (Total 14%) will be added if bidding online. There is no cap to that premium so take that into consideration when bidding. If you bid online, invoices will be emailed to the email address used at registration immediately after the conclusion of the auction. Included in this email will be the Invoice and Wire Transfer Instructions and Credit Card Payment Link. Payment is expected the day of the auction or the next morning. (Most of you will be exempt most likely but during the April 24 auction in Arkansas applicable Arkansas sales tax will be charged at this auction.)

Inspection – Buyers are encouraged to inspect items before bidding. Inspection will be the day before the auction from 8-4:30. To inspect early by appointment only contact Billy with Blackmon Auctions at 501-352-4703 or and let’s see if there is availability

Load Out \ Equipment Removal at the Blackmon Auction Complex in Arkansas – There will be forklifts to assist loading for a few days. Multi Level Loading Docks. Please have your items removed within about a week or so if at all possible. Upon payment you will receive a paid/zero balance invoice – BRING/SEND THIS INVOICE WITH YOUR DRIVER TO SHOW TO PERSONNEL ON SITE or you will not be able to remove purchases.

Load Out \ Equipment Removal during the Online Only Auction – This will vary by location. Please see in the description of each item the specifics!

Contact / Auction Manager – Billy Hartnedy at 501-352-4703 or

CONSIGNMENT INFORMATION – We are READY now for delivery of your items – Both onsite at 425 Blackmon Road in Lonoke, Arkansas but also via email for the Online Only Auction! Yes, start now! At the Blackmon Yard there are places reserved for your trucks, trailers and equipment! We have RAIL for your rail items to be placed. Contact Billy Hartnedy with Blackmon Auctions at 501-352-4703 or Our deadline to include items in each of the portions of this NRC event will be one week before each!

List of Items that will be in the auction – This will be made available as soon as we can. As we know often a decision to participate is made right around deadline time. Please be patient and watch for a good list of items to evolve over the last two weeks before the auction!

Night Before Happy Hour – The NRC has secured a Premium Covered Patio Seating for Wednesday evening at the Arkansas Travelers Baseball Stadium! It is covered and food and drink will be provided regardless of the weather! *Sponsored by RELAM & MOW Equipment & Delta Railroad Services & BTE Equipment!* Gates open at 5:35 pm. Service in the suite begins at 6:05 pm with the first pitch at 6:35 pm. There will be a sign up for this so we can prepare. Ticket pick-up for registered attendees: April 23 from 3 to 4 pm in the AC Hotel Little Rock Downtown hotel lobby. All are welcome. Email with questions. 

AC Hotel – AC Hotel Little Rock Downtown, 201 West Capitol Avenue, Little Rock, Arkansas, USA, 72201 – Book your room in the NRC Room Block by April 2 to get the NRC rate.

Trailer/Big Truck Parking – We have PLENTY of room to park you truck and trailer at our yard in Lonoke!

More Items Coming! - This is the very EARLY list. There will be over 100 items at this auction. Adding Items and Photos! A much fuller list will be available about a week or two before the auction!

April 24

21st Annual NRC Railroad Equipment Auction: Onsite & Online

April 30

Cherokee Bridge & Road LTD - Retirement Auction