Portland Open
This is the 54th Year of this Open Consignment Farm Machinery Auction! Thanks to all our loyal customers. Buyers & Sellers – Throughout the years, Because of you this auction continues to be a proven place to sell your machinery. This auction will have over 600 lots and last all day.
We will be auctioning Pam’s Tree Cabins in beautiful Hot Springs, AR on Friday, February 7th at 10:00am. Don’t miss this tremendous opportunity to bid on this great investment! Located minutes away from Lake Catherine State Park, the Ouachita River, Diamondhead Country Club, Lake Hamilton, and all the amenities of Hot Springs.
After many years farming, Gary Prislovsky is making a career change. We will be selling Tractors, Combines, Planters, Drills, Discs, Spray Rigs, Truck Tractors, Land Planes, Power Units, Hopper Bottom Trailers & Much More!! This will be a Live Onsite & Online Auction.
Open to the public!!! This is the 54th Year of this Open Consignment Farm Machinery Auction! Thanks to all our loyal customers. Buyers & Sellers – Throughout the years, Because of you this auction continues to be a proven place to sell your machinery. This auction will have over 600 lots and last all day.